Monday, September 10, 2007

I Have a Secret

What is it? Is it some deep, dark tale from a wretched past filled with gut-wrenching mistakes and disastrous decisions? Uh, not so much. But it's something that up until now, my friends, no one has known about except for hubby, J and C. I'm not's not glamorous, but I secretly love to burp. There, I said it. Big, loud, fraternity boy burps. I think it's hysterical to swig my diet coke as fast as I can and then either burp as loud as I can or do something ridiculous like burp the ABC's or the 123's. My kids think it's a riot, hubby - well, let's just say he's not quite as amused. But, I am also the one who taught them to toot (pass gas, cut the cheese, whatever you want to call it) while sitting on their Daddy's lap. Something I also think is just beyond funny. Juvenile, yes...gross, maybe a little....downright silly, you betcha!


Elizabeth said...

You are hysterical! These are the "sounds" of a live human! HA!

Michelle said...

I have heard transparency is healthy....I don't know! LOL (((hugs))) my boys would love to hang out with you for a while...bodily function humor is just the bestest in their book!

Suburban prep said...

made me laugh.

Unknown said...


excuse me! i didnt know anyone was looking

Unknown said...


excuse me! i didnt know anyone was looking

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

Oh how funny! My secret: I can't burp!!

Shelton Sales said...

I was planning a big anniversary party and was looking for unique anniversary invitations cards that I could add my own wordings. I found several sites that were very helpful,,, and I finally ordered from and was definitely very pleased. I got lots of compliments!

Lisa said...

My hubby can burp the ABC's too - I can burp like a trucker while I prego - and I usually have no control as to when they're going to come out!
Funny post!