Monday, August 20, 2007

I remember when I was 23 and living with 3 other girls in an apartment we all had very distinct personalities. Three of us were very close friends from college and the other was the older sister of one of the girls. One day out of boredom we created Indian names for each other (I have no idea why). My best friend was dubbed, "Me Drinkum Slimfast." She lived on the stuff and was about as big as your pinky finger. My other friend had the good fortune to be called, "Man Makeum Bitter."

And then there was me, "Lays on Couch." Was I lazy or what?! I would have to say that not much has changed. I think napping and sleeping-in is completely underrated. I think cleaning ladies' feet should be kissed at least once a day and I truly believe that the personal chef is an absolute necessity in any household. The only problem is that pesky issue of income. I would like to live the lifestyle in which I'd like to become accustomed. Imagine the day when dinner consisted of a well balanced, gourmet meal rather than spaghetti noodles and Ragu (and when I'm feeling crazy...frozen meatballs!)

So if you had an Indian name, what would it be?


Cynthia said...

Squaw Runson Coke!

Michelle said...


BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

She Needum Wine.

Tee hee.

This is fun! ;)

The Domesticator said...

Hey! Jamie stole MY name! *LOL*

Unknown said...


sister sheri said...
